How to Use TurboC at Home Without Installing Anything

Hello geeks,

In this article, I am going to show you how to use TurboC in just your broswer without installing anything


Here’s how to Setup Turbo C without installing anything on your PC.

1. Go to


2. In the top left corner, Select ‘Language’ as “C (TurboC)” from the drop down menu.


3. Type Your Code

By default, onlineGDB loads in some code. You can delete this code and place your own code instead.

4. Run Your Code

Run your code by pressing the green Run button or if you want to be fast, by ‘F9’ on your keyboard.

Now You Can Run All Your Code Without Installing A Thing

Congratulations! Now you can practice programming in C as much as you want.

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Posted by Siddharth Bhatia (

Written on April 15, 2022